Oh, Mother of Mine - Trailer
Oh, Mother of Mine - Trailer
Liminal Space
Liminal Space
The Visible Condition
The Visible Condition
Oh, Mother of Mine - TrailerExploring the generational impact of the incarceration of mothers. See more at www.ohmotherofmine.com
Liminal SpaceLiminal space: the waiting areas between one point in time and space and the next. For example, an airport terminal, the gas station, being in between jobs. Or today: the time of stay at home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Turning the camera on myself, this is the story of a graduate student's semester interrupted.
MinishottaFor Myles, "dream big" isn't just a saying, but a reality.
The Visible ConditionA woman's journey with DSAP.
ManifestA woman's journey with her skin.
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